transformer n. 使变化的人[东西];【电学】变压器;变换器;互感器。 polarity of transformer 变压器绕线方向。
electric adj. 1.电的;带电的;起电的,导电的,发电的,电动的。 2.令人激动的,紧张的,惊人的。 3.〔美口〕(乐曲的)用电吉他演奏的。 electric eloqu-ence 惊人的口才。 electric performance 惊人的表演。 an electric atmosphere 紧张的气氛。 n. 〔口语〕 1.带电物体。 2.电动车辆。
Code for design of railway electric transformer and distribution station 铁路电力变配电所设计规范
The pwm control of duty cycles acts as an electric transformer which regulates the amplitudes of equivalent input voltage and equivalent output voltage , so that both positive and negative amplitudes of equivalent input voltage are equal to those of equivalent output voltage 对器件占空比的pwm调节,相当于在电路中加入一个电子变压器,使得输入方波电源和输出方波电源的正负电压幅值分别匹配。
This paper proves that the changes of pre - compression on the windings have effects on their natural frequencies and derives their relation , which provides the experimental and theories foundation for fault diagnosis of large - scale electric transformers 通过对大型变压器绕组进行振动实验和根据建立的变压器绕组轴向振动数学模型的理论推导,阐明了变压器绕组预紧力的变化与其固有频率变化之间的关系,这为大型变压器的故障诊断提供了理论与实践依据。